
  further [‘fɜːðə] adj. 更远的;深一层的 vt. 促进,助长;增进 adv. 进一步地;而且;更远地 furtherly 进一步,只能做副词用

远地 的英语单词怎么写

  faraway 远方


  The ways to cope with contraditions among people include developing the productivity furtherly,harmonizing the relations among all aspects,following the mass line,combining the rule of law with the rule of morality,enhancing 。


  本文针对SF机车厂基层生产人员目前的绩效考核体系存在的考核主观性强、。An elaboration will be made on the course of setting strategic goal of the company, the goal of the production department and eventually the goal of each grass-root productive staff. Furtherly, key performance 。


  Furtherly, DSM is asking, whether it would be possible to pack the 。然后,DSM问有没有可能把材料打包装进有内部衬里(或涂层)和干燥剂的桶里。