带有威胁的 形容词,英语单词?

  威胁英语单词1: threaten 威胁英语单词2: menace 威胁英语单词3: intimidate 威胁的英语例句: 他们威胁将他驱逐出他的移居国。
   they threatened to expel him from his adoptive country. 男友威胁说要和我分手。
   my boyfriend was threaten。


  threat [θret] n. 恐吓, 威胁 迹象, (坏)兆头 a threat against sb.’s life 对某人生命的威胁 The threat of flood has been relieved. 洪水的威胁解除了。

威胁 英语怎么说

  规定要用名词threat,是make a thret to sb吗?没语境,动词不知道让你用的什么,但是a threat to sb意思是对某人来说是个威胁,看看对你有帮助没?

受到 威胁英文怎么说

  “受到威胁” 就是 “被威胁” 或 “处于被威胁的状态”,可以用被动语态 be threatened,也可以用系表结构 get threatened 或 be under threat。


  受到威胁 threatened; Under threat; being threatened; [例句]我们觉得受到威胁或遭受挫折时本能地会感到气愤。
   Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.